Originally Posted: April 28th, 2020 on The Plumb Club.

One of the most difficult feelings that many people face is loneliness or not feeling part of a community. With social distancing being requested nationwide, because of COVID-19, that feeling of isolation and not being connected can have a devastating impact on our emotional state and wellbeing. We are all spending more time alone or without the regular human contact we are used to and the fun those interactions provide us.

Between their two locations in Indiana, Albert’s Diamond Jewelers employ a large number of staff and are visited by hundreds of people on a daily basis. The retailer is very involved in the community, especially when it comes to volunteering. Early on during the pandemic, Albert’s did what was best for their employees and their community. They decided to close their stores and “shelter in place” – a very difficult decision, made more difficult because of their fondness of communal involvement.

While at home, the family decided to continue their tradition of “Wednesday Bingo Night”, a regular pastime, which they previously enjoyed with friends and neighbors at a local club. For the holidays, they had been gifted a home Bingo set, which allowed them to continue to play the game at their own table. As they told friends about how they were coping as a family with “shelter in place”, they were overwhelmed with how many families wanted to join them virtually on “Bingo Night”. So, they did what any good hearted, altruistic family would do! They opened their home and family tradition to their community and their customers to bring some much-needed interaction and fun to the situation by hosting a Facebook LIVE Bingo session. 

To facilitate the game, they encouraged families to play along at home by Googling printable Bingo cards. Originally, prizes were determined by the families who played along – extra dessert, candy, or pick of the family movie to watch. They then decided to host Bingo Night on the Alberts Facebook page where winners received Albert’s Gift Cards, to be picked up at a later date. “Wednesday Bingo Night” has turned into a major success. Currently, there are anywhere from 12-30 families that play along, and the family has received countless photos. Some friends have told them that they have, in-turn, started this tradition with their friends and family around the country.

“People seem to enjoy it”, says Ashley Halpern. “It’s fun, interactive, keeps us together as a community and provides us all something consistent to look forward to each week.”