In the heart of Southern Africa in the coastal country of Namibia, a story of diamonds and hope unfolds. Grandview Klein Diamonds, a leading diamond manufacturer in the country and the world, has become a beacon of change. Understanding the importance of providing...
When India-based diamond and jewelry manufacturer H.K.Designs read the research that showed only 20% of women in India were employed in August of 2020, down over 10% from studies in 1990, they knew they had to take action. The coronavirus pandemic had only added to...
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a country once divided by racial segregation, Nelson Mandela used his life to fight for education and equal opportunities for all. Mandela, former President of South Africa, experienced a life filled with struggle, but one that...
Surat, India, is a city known for its impact on the natural diamond industry through the artisans who cut and polish these rare and unique gems. Dharmanandan Diamonds is dedicated to the thousands of these skilled workers they employ providing livelihoods for their...
The Sheetal Group has led India in creating beautiful polished diamonds from their natural rough origins since 1985. As one of the world’s leading diamond manufacturers, they have also been leaders in supporting the communities where they do business. “Every...
Daksha and Dipti are two strangers leading similar lives in a traditional Indian society. Both have little education and struggle as the sole providers for their families in a society where women have historically been caregivers while men earn a living. Their...